Electronic Cigarette Review | Make Great Holiday Gifts (Rokok Elektronik Review | Membuat Hadiah Holiday Besar)

When it comes to great holiday gifts there are many to choose from.  No matter what the occasion might be.  Electronic cigarettes are becoming a popular way to give someone a gift of caring.  More and more people have turned to electronic cigarettes to kick the habit.  Making a promise to themselves that the butt stops here.  With all the other cessation products available it is certainly the cheaper alternative.

Unlike other great holiday gifts we get for friends or loved ones in our life, electronic cigarettes stand out among the others.  A box of candy is thoughtful and one of the most popular ones to get at the last minute.  Then after a week or two it has all been consumed and is gone.  Kind of like the occasion you got it for.  Which is in the past now and just a memory.

One of the great holiday gifts for a man to get a woman in his life is jewelry.  I often think it is the only time of year when jewelry stores do any kind of business.  The rest of the year they just spend time cleaning the glass on the display cases.  They always look SO clean.  I feel electronic cigarettes would be a much better choice if she smokes.  Those diamonds will most likely sit in a box the majority of the time.  Never worn while taking a chunk out of someone financial assets.

One of the great holiday gifts I always got at the last minute was flowers.  Especially when I had completely forgot about it.  Valentine's Day never failed to creep up on me.  I wish electronic cigarettes were around back then.  I know I could have used one.  They flowers were cheaper on the wallet, that's for sure.  I just wondered if ladies were taught by their mother to always be thankful.  I would always hear, "Ah, those are beautiful!  You always think of me." Then get a big hug and kiss.  Thinking to myself, "Come on now.  Those are ugly as can be and I got them off the guy on the street corner."

Electronic cigarettes make a great holiday gift for ladies to get the man in their life also.  They will get rid of that smoker's breath that gets so bad the thought of kissing him makes your nose turn up.  While helping him save money so he can afford to take you a little more often.  Like taking you out to dinner and probably be able to take a few puffs off one of his electronic cigarettes.  Not offending anyone else.

The best part about electronic cigarettes is they don't have the odor or smoke that comes with traditional tobacco cigarettes.  There is no mess with ashtrays full of ashes and those stinky cigarette butts.  Which is why I chose them as a great holiday gift for some neighbors who just celebrated a wedding anniversary.  I have no idea how long both of them smoked during those years.  The best thing is they don't smoke anymore and are even jogging again.  I see them a couple times a week going by and am convinced it's because of the electronic cigarettes they switched to.  A great holiday gift the will always cherish for year to come.


Dirimu begitu dipuja oleh setiap orang, tanpa hadirmu diri ini tak
berarti,,, tanpa candamu kehidupan terasa kosong, terasa sunyi dan
Walaupun kini kau telah dimiliki oleh orang lain,,, 
tapi ku ingin kauhadir temani hidupku
walau hanya dalam angan dan hayalku... 
Ku ingin kau berikan aku secercah harapan,,, 
harapan yang bisa membuatku bangkit, 
harapan yang bisa membuat ku semangat 
untuk menjalanihidup ini tanpa ada dirimu disampingku....
Mungkin bagimu dia adalah seorang sosok yang sempurna,sosok yang bisa
membuat kebahagiaan untukmu...
Tapi satu hal yang terpenting adalah kesetiaan, dan kejujuran adalah
jaminan untuk meraih satu kebahagiaan yang abadi,,, cantik, tampan,
kaya, tahta dan jabatan tidak menjamin semuanya,,, seperti yang pernah
kau bilang padaku dulu,, ku ingin kau mengerti itu semua cinta,,,, 
karena ku ingin melihat dirimu bahagia bersamanya tanpa ada airmata
yang menetes dari dirimu,,,, 

Tak bisa tanpamu

Di hatiu ada namamu.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
Bila saja engkau tahu
Di hatiku ada kamu
Bila saja kau tahu
Tiap waktu ku slalu mengingatmu

Aku tak bisa dustai hatiku
Untuk munafiki semua rasaku
Dan kini ku ingin dirimu tahu
betapah diriku mencintai mu

namaamu slalu ada dihati ku
Setiap saat aku menantimu
Tak pernah berhenti memujamu
Meski tak ada jawab untukku

Pernah ku coba berlari darimu
Dan bunuh rasa cintaku padamu
Namun sungguh ku tak bisa meningalkancinta mu
yang Ternyata ku semakin mencintai mu

Dia atau Diriku

Sungguh tak mungkin dalam kisah ini kita kan bersatu.
Bila tak pernah ada perasaan cinta seutuhnya.
Kini akhirnya kau harus memilih dia atau diriku.
yang pantas mendapatkanmu pantas menjadi kekasih mu..

Sampai kapankah kita akan bersama.
Bila tak pernah ada perasaan cinta antara kita.
Perasaan saling menyayangi..
Sampai kapankah kita akan bersama
Bila kau hanya bisa mencintaiku
Separuh hatimu.. separuh kau mencintainya..

Sungguh tak mungkin..
Sungguh tak bisa..
Kita kan bersama bila kau masih membagi cinta..

Review Mobil Keluaran Terbaru

Mobil Hybrid Akan Semakin Murah

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Baru akan diluncurkan tahun depan, Honda Motor sudah buka-bukaan mengenai model khusus hybridnya. Di antaranya ongkos produksinya per unitnya lebih murah 50 persen dibanding model Civic hybrid.

Honda juga menyatakan kesiapannya untuk mengaplikasikan hybrid tersebut pada model produksi yang akan diluncurkan awal 2009 mendatang. Model hybrid Honda terbaru masih menggunakan sistem Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) seperti digunakan pada mobil hybrid Honda saat ini. Model Honda khusus hybrid ini didedikasikan untuk dipasarkan secara global dengan harga terjangkau.

Oleh karena itu, pengembangannya menggunakan teknologi yang sudah digunakan, baik pada model konsep maupun produksi yang saat ini sudah dipasarkan. Model khusus hybrid tersebut mampu mengangkut lima orang, lima pintu, dengan ukuran antara Honda Fit dan Civic. Bagian ekteriornya mengadposi model Honda FCX Clarity hydrogen. Honda memperkirakan harganya akan dibanderol sebesar 2 juta yen atau sekira Rp169,1 juta.


Toyota Personal Transport Assistance Robot
Sunday, 03 August 2008

Produsen mobil Jepang Toyota, mendemonstrasikan robot transportasi personal yang dinamakan Winglet. Sekilas Winglet nampak mirip dengan Segway. Robot transportasi personal buatan Amerika. Winglet hanya mengangkut satu orang dengan jangkauan 10 km.

Kecepatan yang dapat dicapai adalah 6 km/jam. Winglet memiliki bobot yang lebih ringan dibanding Segway. Namun kemampuan tempuhnya lebih pendek dan berjalan lebih lamban. Pengemudinya cukup mendorong kemudi ke depan untuk menjalankan. Untuk mengerem atau menghentikannya cukup dengan menarik ke arah belakang. Untuk mebelok ke kiri dan kanan tinggal mengarahkan kemudi.

Sementara Winglet tanpa kemudi tangan, cukup dikendalikan dengan menggerakkan kaki sesuai dengan arah yang dituju. Ada 3 versi Winglet. Perbedaan mendasar di antara satu dan lainnya terletak pada ukuran dan sistem pengemudian. Bobot terkecil adalah 10 kg dan mampu berjalan sejauh 5 km. Sementara ukuran besar berbobot 12 kg dengan jangkauan dua kali lipat dibanding versi terkecilnya.

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Default Re: Review Mobil / Motor keluaran terbaru


mungkin dibuatnya 2009 trus launchingna 2010 kali ya....
All New Honda S2000
Thursday, 24 July 2008

Honda melansir sedan sport S 2000 Concept di British International Motor Show. Dengan model yang sama sekali baru dan mengadopsi mesin 2.0 liter dengan 6 percepatan. Meski yang dipamerkan memakai mesin hybrid diperkirakan untuk produksi massal masih memakai mesin konvensional.

Desain eksterior tampil dinamis dengan bentuk kurva pada kap mesin. Kesan tatapan garang nampak dari double headlight yang terintegrasi dengan bodi depan kendaraan, di tambah fog lamp garis tipis yang memanjang ke bagian grill. Aroma roadster coupe terasa kuat melalui aliran garis yang mengalir dari winshield ke depan. Bentuk kurva juga diadopsi lampu belakang yang melengkung memanjang dari bagian tepi satu ke tepi lainnya.

Lampu LED melengkapi instrumen panel pengemudi. Untuk menambah nuansa sport, di depan kemudi juga dilengkapi dengan speedometer jarum dan tachometer. Pengaturan transmisi tidak menggunakan tongkat, namun dengan memutar tombol seperti digunakan pada mobil Jaguar. Namun pengemudi juga dapat mengatur transmisi di stir kemudi.

Loremo, Mobil Paling Irit di Dunia
Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Para produsen mobil kini mulai meninggalkan produksi mobil yang memiliki bobot lebih dari satu ton dengan hanya membawa satu orang saja. Pabrikan mobil asal Jerman Loremo salah satu contohnya, yang kini mulai menciptakan mobil yang ringan.

Dengan berat hanya 450 kg, kedua mobil tersebut cukup hemat dengan bahan bakar. Loremo LS hanya mengkonsumsi satu liter untuk 66,7 km, hanya membutuhkan waktu 20 detik untuk berakselerasi dari kecepatan 0-100 km per jam dan mencapai kecepatan maksimum 160 km per jam. Sementara itu, Loremo GT per liternya dapat mencapai 37 km, dengan kecepatan 0-100 km per jam hanya 9 detik dan mencapai kecepatan maksimum 220 km per jam.

Loremo menggunakan mesin dua silinder turbodiesel yang mampu menghasilkan 20 bhp untuk LS dan mesin tiga silinder turbodiesel yang mampu menghasilkan 49 bhp untuk GT. Mesin tersebut ditempatkan di antara bagian pengemudi-penumpang depan dan penumpang belakang. Karena pintu berada di depan dan belakang mobil, maka struktur mobil menjadi lebih kokoh dari mobil biasa. Benefit lainnya adalah mobil Loremo tahan terhadap angin. Loremo akan dijual mulai tahun depan, untuk type LS akan dijual 11.000 Euro dan GT akan dijual seharga 15.000 Euro di Eropa.

BMW X6 AC Schnitzer
Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Tuner asal Jerman AC Schnitzer memberi sentuhan yang lebih sporty untuk BMW X6. Antara lain meliputi body kit, velg 22-inch Type VII, suspensi dan tak lupa interior serta performa mesin yang ditingkatkan berkat perubahan di Motor Control Unitnya untuk type 3.0dX and 3.5dX versi diesel.

Dentist New York offers the best solution for oral healthcare (Dokter Gigi New York menawarkan solusi terbaik untuk kesehatan mulut)

Most of us indefinitely postpone our scheduled visits to the dentist. In our subconscious mind there is a certain misgiving associated with approaching an oral healthcare specialist about any problems regarding our teeth unless it has aggravated to a major state. Maybe the reason behind it is that we are aware of having neglected our oral health causing dental problems like bleeding gums, toothaches, bad breath, discoloration and many more such problems. Most of would not like the dentist to remind us of our negligence and are also afraid of the treatment being painful. A dentist in New York could help to change the age old perception attached with the dentists.

A dentist New York may be the ideal solution you have been looking for to cure all your dental problems. The latest technologies and innovations in the field of dentistry have opened up a world of opportunities for corrective dental procedures. A dentist New York can offer solutions for every dental problem that your may be facing. It could be teeth whitening for discolored teeth, alignment with regular and invisalign braces for alignment problems, dental implants for broken or chipped teeth and so on and so forth. The biggest advantage of improving technology and advancements is that now no one needs to know if you have had a corrective treatment done for your dental problems. A dentist in New York or any other state can ensure even great results with devices such as invisible braces which are difficult to spot even at close quarters.

Today’s lifestyle brings with it a lot of stress induced addictions such as smoking, drinking coffee and even chewing tobacco. A lot of people fall prey to dental problems due to these negative habits which need correctional treatment by a dentist in New York or any other state where they reside. Many of us also face dental problems and diseases without realizing the source of such a problem. It is now common knowledge that consuming excessively hot or cold edible items could lead to dental problems. However many children and even adults fail to consciously remember to inculcate this fact in their day to day food habits. A visit to the dentist has therefore become more of a lifestyle necessity. Regular and timely checkups by a competent dentist can ensure that your never have to face any severe dental problems causing not only physical pain and discomfort but also distorting your appearance.

Dental problems are not always a result of your negligence. It could occur due to some mishap like an accident where your teeth may be broken or chipped. A broken tooth can completely deform your appearance, making you completely withdrawn from any kind of social interaction. A dentist in New York can give the assurance of restoring your looks and with it, your confidence. A pleasing smile can brighten anyone’s day even under most depressing circumstances. And a dentist in New York can guarantee that the pleasing smile belongs to you. A little awareness and oral healthcare can go a long way in ensuring a trouble free smile for your entire life.

7 Natural Factors that Affect Your Health (7 Faktor-faktor Alam yang Mempengaruhi Kesehatan Anda)

Everyday living in today's society can be very taxing on our bodies. With hectic work schedules and quick or skipped meals, we are damaging and destroying our bodies a little bit more every day.

A very sure solution would be to employ eight natural doctors to aid in your healing process. Don't worry, they will not charge you any money, in fact, these doctors will actually help you save money.

Once you have followed the advice of these eight natural doctors, you will experience a new start in life. And 'New Start' is an easy way to remember these doctors. Let's take a brief look at them one at a time.


N - Nutrition
It is important to "watch what you eat". Eating a lot of trans-fatty foods will not only make you overweight, but will aid in clogging your arteries. Eating plenty of fresh, green, leafy vegetables is a great way to help your body get the vitamins and nutrients it needs to function properly.

E - Exercise
The reason exercise is important is because this is how your heart gets stronger. A stronger heart means better blood flow. If you spend 30 minutes, three days a week, working out, not only will you feel better, but your mental abilities will also improve. For exercise to be effective, it must be progressive, systematic, and habitual. The more you exercise, the stronger every part of your body will become.

W - Water
It used to be said that you should drink 8 glasses of water each day. Today that number is debated as to whether that specific number applies to everybody or not. The bottom line is that your body is comprised of mostly water. Your brain needs plenty of fresh water everyday in order to function properly. While your body can go three days without water, your brain will start to experience negative effects within 12 to 14 hours. There is no substitute for water, not even sports drinks. By drinking plenty of water every day, your brain, kidneys, and most internal organs will function more efficiently.

S - Sunshine
Taking a break from your cubicle everyday and getting into the sunshine will do more for you than you may realize. According to Dr. Tedd Mitchell, in his article for USA Weekend, recent studies suggest that the sun's ability to stimulate vitamin D production in the skin can make it an incredible boon to the body in fighting certain kinds of cancers, including some skin cancers. Taking short, regular breaks to allow your body to be exposed to sunshine is a good way to help you stay healthy.

T - Temperance
Temperance is keeping everything in moderation. We all know about being temperate in eating; don't overeat or you will gain weight, etc. But temperance should be used in all areas. For example, too much sunshine can cause skin cancer, so limit how much sun you actually expose yourself to. In order to maintain a healthy life, you must use each of these natural doctors in moderation. Don't overdo it in any area. Keeping well-balanced is the key to good health.

A - Air
Getting plenty of fresh air is extremely important; you cannot live more than a few minutes without it. Make sure that your homes and offices are properly ventilated. If possible, open some windows to provide cross-ventilation. Most people leave their windows shut during the winter months, causing the air to become stagnant and ill-smelling. If you cannot open the windows in your office, make sure you take your breaks outside so you can give your body the necessary oxygen it needs to keep healthy. When you are able to go outside and take ten deep breaths, it is like giving yourself an oxygen cocktail. Your body loves it.

R - Rest
Maybe you have heard that children grow while they sleep. This is true. During rest, your body is able to grow and to re-build itself. The brain tissue is being restored and the nerves are re-charged while you sleep. If you skimp on sleep, your body does not have adequate time to re-condition itself and to heal itself. Getting the necessary hours of sleep each night is important to maintain a healthy body.

T - Trust in God
Trusting in God is the most important of all natural doctors. If we believe that we were created in His image and that He sent His Son to redeem us, we should have no problem trusting Him to take care of us and to keep us healthy. If we do our part in eating nutritiously, exercising, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sunshine, being temperate in all areas, getting plenty of fresh air, and getting plenty of rest, God will do His part in sustaining our life to the fullest and keeping it healthy. Just trust Him, He knows what He's doing.