gunung semeru

23 April 2008
Gunung Semeru Masih Dalam Status Waspada

JAKARTA : Kepala Direktorat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Dr Surono menegaskan tidak ada aktivitas meningkat di Gunung Semeru. Saat ini, gunung yang terletak di Jawa Timur tersebut masih dalam status waspada.
“Tidak ada aktivitas yang luar biasa di gunung tersebut. Masih ditetapkan dalam status waspada. Tayangan di televisi, mungkin mengambil dari gambar-gambar lama,” tegasnya saat menanggapi pemberitaan di salah satu televisi swasta Jakarta pada Rabu (23/4).
Gunung Semeru atau Sumeru adalah gunung berapi tertinggi di Pulau Jawa, dengan puncaknya Mahameru yang berada diketinggian 3.676 meter dari permukaan laut (mdpl). Kawah di puncak Gunung Semeru dikenal dengan nama Jonggring Saloko.
Posisi gunung ini terletak diantara wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Malang dan Lumajang, Jawa Timur dengan posisi geografis antara 8 derajat LS (Lintang Selatan) dan 120 derajat BT (Bujur Timur. (Lea)

Keys to Healthy and Happy Life

Health and fitness is a key essential to a good happy life. A person's body is designed to be fit and in shape. Weight and height are a determining factor if the person is healthy or not. A person should have a healthy weight with a healthy diet and fitness exercise program. Getting in shape is not a very hard thing to do. It just takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Once you change the old bad lifestyle you will feel much better physically and emotionally. Did you know that exercising releases endorphins into your system that give you a euphoric feeling? Exercising and dieting is a change of lifestyle, not just a current fad or diet. Living healthy and being healthy is the best way to live a good life.
First monitor what you eat. Your caloric intake determines if you will gain weight or lose weight. For every 3500 calories you take in in food is one pound of body weight. If you burn more than thirty five hundred calories throughout your day without consuming more than thirty five hundred calories per day then you will lose weight. Make sure to eat healthy foods also. A good variety of fruits and vegetables will give you the vitamins and nutrients you need to develop your healthy immune system. Then throw in some good carbohydrates. A mixture of slow digesting carbs and fast digesting carbs will give you the energy you need to burn throughout your day. Make sure to cut down on your soda intake because those are really unhealthy fast digesting carbs that if aren't burned immediately will be stored as fat. Then throw in some healthy lean protein to take care of your muscles. When a muscle is worked out it breaks down and it needs protein to rebuild them. A healthy intake of protein will ensure your muscular system will remain strong and healthy.
A healthy diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables and good lean protein is a very good way to live healthy. Some sort of physical activity that a person can do for at least thirty minutes a day will improve the overall health and fitness of the person. Elevating the heart rate frequently will ensure a healthy cardiovascular system. Did you know that a healthy active person actually burns calories while they sleep? An unfit lazy person actually stores calories as fat while they sleep.
So basically getting into shape is pretty simple. Monitor you food consumption. Keep good healthy portions. Don't overdo it. Eat slower if you must to feed your food craving. It takes the average human being 20 minutes to trigger the brain that it is full. Don't pile your stomach full until it tells you its full. Also watch what type of foods you are eating. Eat healthy foods with good colors. That indicates good vitamins and nutrients. Then just throw in some exercise at least 4 days a week and you will be off to a healthy new you!

How Smoke Deter Stop Smoking Side Effects

In order to stop smoking side effects, consumers should buy and use the smoke deter mouth spray. The smoke deter mouth spray has been very effective in dealing with adverse effects felt by people due to nicotine addiction. The mouth spray is not only effective in removing the smoking habit but also the health problems which have manifested due to the addiction. This is very effective and practical since consumers can rely on one product to maintain the smoke free and healthy lifestyle the want. The mouth spray allows the consumers to save thousands of dollars since it is very cheap and affordable compared to the drugs and medications sold in the market. Many doctors and physicians have recommended the product instead of using expensive and costly treatments and medicines that have lots of negative side effects.

The smoke deter mouth spray uses several herbs and plant extracts in order to stop the side effects attributed to cigarette smoking. Oats and Black spruce are the two main components which reverses the negative effects incurred throughout decades of smoking. Oats improves the airways involved including the trachea, bronchioles and bronchi. It is considered by many as a natural bronchodilator. This allows the consumers to breathe better. In fact, oats extracts contained in the spray reversed the occurrence of emphysema, shortness of breath and dyspnea. Aconites are plant extracts which cleans and removes the excessive amount of nicotine in the blood. Nicotine is a very dangerous substance when stored at high volumes. It could cause heart and lung problems in the long term.

The smoke deter mouth spray can stop smoking side effects in order to provide a healthy living condition. This is very practical instead of undergoing expensive and long term therapies. The mouth spray is very easy to use. The consumers would simply need to use the mouth spray on a daily basis. The mouth spray has helped millions of consumers all over the world achieve the results they desire. This is very helpful and reliable since no significant adverse effects have been reported. This is a good way to attain a healthy body.

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selamat datang di blog kami. . .
kami adalah warga man sidoarjo. kami tinggal di kelas XI ipa 6. .
.saya adalah fitri Wulandari. absen saya nomor 04.
.dan saya adalah Maulida Danis Fatus S. no absenku 10. kami berdua bertemu di kelas X-5.
kami bisa dibilang anak-anak yang menyukai TERTAWA.
.selamat mengenal kami. . :-)